Kratom Leaf Facts, Herbs That Are Considered Like Drugs
authentic kratom, a plant with the Latin name Mitragyna speciosa is known as an herbal plant from Indonesia. The name of this plant later emerged and is the subject of worldwide discussion because of its controversy in the health sector.
The reason is, the leaves of the plant which are used as herbal medicines for Indonesian citizens are considered to be herbal medicines, abroad are considered as drugs or illegal drugs.

I take kratom and have no problems or side effects. This leaf can also help increase stamina. Kratom For Sale
But according to the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency one of the compounds found in the contents of this plant is an opioid that can trigger addiction to death.
The FDA is urging even greater restrictions on Kratom sales following that there are still 43 US states that legalize the consumption of the leaf.
Citing various sources, here are some facts about the leaves that are considered dangerous.
1. Bali Kratom is included in the family of coffee plants (Rubiaceae) producing important alkaloids such as caffeine.
2. This leaf has long been used by some Indonesian people as a ‘miracle drug’ for all ailments, from opioid addiction, pain relief, to overcoming anxiety.
3. The leaves of this plant are usually dried and consumed by brewing them as a tea drink or in capsule form.
4. Kratom is able to stimulate brain receptors like morphine, even with far lighter side effects.
5. These herbs include psychoactive plants that have been used as traditional herbal medicine and medical herbs in a number of Southeast Asian regions for thousands of years.
6. Scientists say Kratom has a positive effect, but until now there has been very little research analyzing the safety and overall side effects of the leaf.
7. The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency said that one of the compounds found in green plant content is an opioid that can trigger addiction to death.
8. They usually consume kratom leaves by chewing like betel leaves or brewed like tea.
9. Kratom is sold and marketed like supplements in the form of capsules and fine powder. Besides being labeled effective as a recreational pain relieving herbal, kratom is also intended for users who want to be free from drug addiction.
10. Professor who works in the field of emergency medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Erdward W. Boyer, pocketed a note of research results that revealed the reason plants could become recreational medical plants.